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I Thought

You Understood


Photography project of Woodboard Installation

Dimensions variable

This work explores the meaning attached to images as they are viewed. In David Joselit’s book After Art, it is written that images are ineffable, misleading and derivative. The image is like a byte, which is easily modified by the viewer unlimited times.

I took photos of people’s behaviors and actions in daily life, such as walking, standing, hugging or sitting on the ground, and processed them into black silhouette sketches. Then, I cut the silhouette props on the board into shapes in proportion to the real person and able to stand up.

I put these props in the backlit environment and put them in the public space at dusk. Due to the influence of light, they can better blend into the environment. The non-authentic images placed in the real space are deceptive to some extent, which creates a narrative fantasy for then viewer. As the container to introduce the content, the image is injected with another meaning by the viewer.

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